Active Cities
We are active throughout all language regions of Switzerland, with 6 bases in the following cities:

Zurich: our core city
With a supercool base at WWF’s co-working, our dynamic and internal volunteer group inspires Zurichers with events such as discobrunch, uptrain and circular safari. When possible together with as many cool initiatives as possible.

Davos: our nature city
Since 2020 our own space – the Green Hub – on the main street, is at the heart of what we do in Davos. Since 2016 committed volunteers inspired the setup of projects such as the ReparierBar,, Davos Rollt and Stadtgarten. Events vary from a ski-repair workshop to a Power Hour for companies

Basel: our creative city
In 2019 our volunteers were awarded for their extraordinary creativity in inspiring people for a resource-light lifestyle. Events like a plant swap, simply more pop-up store and food-by-foot are a proof of this. Basel is also our hometown!

La-Chaux-de-Fonds: our exciting city
In “la Tchaux” our enthusiastic group of volunteers move the city with cool events such as disco soups, swaps, edible food hunts. They set up a zero waste challenge, inspired several new sustainability initiative and are at the core of many sustainability activities such as the festival du printemps.

Sion: our culture city
We kicked off our activities in November 2021 with a Discosoupe special: making soup together from left-over soup. The music from our cellist stressed our message even more that there is so much we can do to fight foodwaste! This spring we swapped many plants and Zollinger seeds at our plantswap at the café Matrioschka.
Passive Cities
We used to be active in Locarno and Solothurn, until the Pandemic. Now we have still a small base in those two cities but no events are scheduled in the near future:

Lugano: our mixed city
We kicked off our activities in September 2021 with a Plogging Challenge organised with and for the Canton. In December 2021 we did a Zero Waste Pub Quiz, whereby over 40 students challenged themselves to learn and experiment with less waste in their lives. And in May 2022 we swapped plants and empowered people for more green in their lives!

Locarno: our passionate city
A tool library with more than 200 objects, monthly discosoups where people meet, cook with foodwaste and share a meal with music.. these are just a few of the projects that we set up in Locarno with Spazio ELLE. Events around slow mobility, plogging and zero waste products were big successes too.

Solothurn: our active city
Our enthusiastic volunteers often surprised their fellow citizens in the heart of the city.. whether with a discofruit (foodwaste smoothies), or a slow safari to promote slow mobility or an event around timegifts at Christmas. Co-creations about urban green and no plastic led to exciting new ideas!
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