GreenUp was just launched in two new cities which include Romandie and Ticino and after a year of waiting we kicked off with two very unique and entertaining events around sustainability.. Read about the challenges and opportunities we faced and how we plan to go forward.


Disco Soup in Sion 27th of november 2021

GreenUp Sion organized it’s first event, and we couldn’t be more thrilled! Disco Soupe, is about raising awareness around the topics of food waste. Every year, the Swiss throw away 60 kilos of food according to the Federal Office for the Environment! Half of this amount could be avoided. Together, let’s value food and avoid food waste! 

Did you enjoy one of our delicious soups in Sion last week? If yes, tell us more in the comments section below.

Everything we cooked is with what nature has to offer: three-legged carrots, crooked cucumbers and huge & tiny potatoes. Just because they do not correspond to the current ideal of beauty, they would normally be disposed of.

We had loads of fun, cooked together, ate together and inspired many people to be more mindful about food waste.

We want to thank our partners Intchié No and reCIRCLE.

GreenUp busy planning new events in Romandie for 2022, stay tuned!


Quiz Night in Lugano 30th of november 2021

We are so excited that GreenUp Lugano hosted its first physical event. 

The Quiz Night took place at the Biblio Café TRA l’altro and the main focus was on Zero Waste and Circular Economy in Switzerland.

Around 40 people joined the Quiz Night, learned about the challenges we face on Zero Waste and Circular Economy topics, they learned about potential solutions and shared their ideas with each other. Experts gave their input on above topics and hopefully inspired many people to lead a happier and simpler life with less. Did you join and have an enjoyable evening while you learned many useful tips and tricks? We are curious, let us know in the comments section below!

We want to thank our partners Biblio Café TRA l’altro, the Negozio Leggero and l’Associazione studenti della SUPSI 

GreenUp is already drawing up some nice events for the coming year, we can’t wait to share the news with you soon!