Over the course of several months, households take up the challenge of living more simple and sustainable in a fun, positive way. By taking part in workshops in the areas of food, minimal waste, stress reduction, mobility and local consumption, the households learn how they can make their lives more resource-efficient all round. At the same time, they have the opportunity to exchange ideas with other participants and experts.
In 2023/2024 the Programme runs in Basel and is open to everyone! Join >>Visit the GoSimple website.
From 2024 we will be able to offer the programme across Switzerland to cities, cantons, companies, organisations, schools, housing cooperatives and associations and organise a “GoSimple” Programme for their target groups!
What is GoSimple?
Over several months, Basel households participate in a guided group program and take on the challenge of living more simple and sustainable. Through workshops in zero waste, mobility, housing and energy, local economy, and food, they simplify their lifestyles. Participants support each other in this process.
A pilot project with 16 households in 2022 is now being followed by a program with a larger group of participating households in 2023 in the city of Basel.
Are you from Basel? Click here to register!
GoSimple and the journey of the participants was documented, evaluated and the learning shared with the public. See here an article in the “Basler Zeitung”.
Starting in 2024, the GoSimpe program will be available nationwide for cities, companies and other organisations to implement together with GreenUp.
People experience benefits of a happy frugal lifestyle:
They discover the benefits (stress reduction, increase in time and financial resources, strengthening of community networks).
They change their habits, and adopt a more simple, climate-friendly lifestyle
Participants become role models in their social context and inspire the households around them
The city of Basel makes a significant contribution to the future of sustainable social lifestyles
Basel is a role model for other cities, as the project originated and is made possible here.
People in neighbourhoods and districts are better connected: new connections are created through regular exchanges between households during the project. Neighbourhood centres are included in the project as workshop locations in order to form more intensive networking.
Basel can adapt infrastructure to facilitate people in the city even more to live a happy frugal lifestyles, based on the learnings of the project
Inspiration and concrete nudges for the rest of Switzerland
A household-programme has been created that other cities, companies and any association, school or other organisation can implement for their people..
The project is accompanied by media partnerships, bloggers and vloggers to inspire people across the country.