GreenUp is a collaboration between many great people. We have a team of special people working part-time but with all their hearts on our mission, some paid and some unpaid. As we are an association, our Board gives direction and works with the team on concrete issues and projects. And last but not least, we have a very dynamic group of volunteers who form the core of the association.

Nicole Keller
Managing Director, Climate Hub, Davos projects (Davos)
I love being amazed by the beauty of nature over and over again, be it while foraging for mushrooms with my children or when snowboarding in the forests of Davos.

Anaïs Campion
Coordinator Romandie, Workshops (Lausanne)
I’m a committed environmentalist and I like to contribute to new sustainable initiatives to support biodiversity conservation and climate initiatives. I believe in developping simple solutions to reduce our daily consumption. Creating the world of tomorrow begins with each of our actions. We’re part of the solution.

Jenna Mattich
Coordinator Ticino, Workshops (Lugano)
I am a gastronome who is passionate about food, plant-based cooking, travel and nature. Collaborating for GreenUp allows me to actualize sustainability through various projects. The earth provides enough resources to meet every human’s needs. If we learn to live by respecting nature’s principles, we can ensure not only ourselves, but future generations and the ecosystem survive and regenerate.

Eniko Halo
Project Manager “GoSimple” (Basel)
I believe in initiatives enabling mindset change in individuals and communities to drive toward a more sustainable future. My motto is “Energy flows where attention goes”. Accordingly, I pay attention to reducing my personal and societal environmental impact improving the resource efficiency of my life, and making positive changes around me. I love spending time outdoors with my family and immersing myself in nature in a mindful way.

Maurizio Bianchi
Coordinator Germanspeaking Switzerland Workshops (Zurich)
I am a curious person who likes to exchange creative ideas in the spirit of a sustainable lifestyle. Let’s find out together how even the smallest changes in behavior can have a positive impact on nature and the environment.

Anne-Laure Felix
Communication Manager (Zurich)
I’m a fan of DIY, from growing my own vegetables with permaculture, to upcycling objects and sewing projects. On top of the learning process that I enjoy, I love the freedom this hands-on approach gives me in a society that constantly pushes artificial needs, distancing us from what truly matters. Changing the narrative around climate adaptation and empowering people are for me key steps towards a more sustainable future.

Niyi Miavivululu
Intern Workshops Swiss Romandie (Lausanne)
Passionate about the environment and innovation, I’m always eager to learn and grow from the ideas and inspiration of others. I firmly believe that collaboration, combined with creativity, knowledge and shared commitment, is the key to building a future that respects the planet and benefits us all. By pushing the boundaries together, we will contribute to a world where sustainability becomes the norm in all aspects of life.

Renée LaPlante
I’m passionate about education, inspiration and collaboration for a net negative and regenerative future. GreenUp brings Switzerland together and shows us all local ways to live lighter and happier with less. This day-to-day embodiment is what will make our future truly sustainable, so that’s why I support GreenUp!

Victor Vogt
We need to change to give our children the best future. That’s why I love to find new ways to do things better and share it with others. Simplicity is the soul of happiness.

Maijastiina Rouhiainen-Neunhäuserer, PhD
Communications & Marketing
GreenUp is all about empowering individuals and sparking systemic change with engaging workshops, inspiring events, impactful projects, and easy-to-use online resources – all done with a positive approach. It’s a movement that I’m excited to back, and I’m eager to contribute with my know-how in strategic sustainability communications.

Romain Leroy-Castillo
Finances & Business Model
While the rising ecological threats have given a renewed meaning to our responsibility towards future generations, acting responsibly today should not be a reaction, driven by fear or guilt. But rather a voluntary action, motivated by the vision of the world we want to shape, starting today, for the children of our children.

Caroline Putman Cramer
Fundraising, Partnerships
I’m committed to our planet and to being an example for my son. GreenUp’s mission resonates with me because I believe we all need a mindset shift to see – and be – the change we need, to adapt to climate change. And, some of them, I am convinced, will make our lives better & simpler.

We have a really cool group of volunteers and a few friends. Here you see some of them at our spring-brunch at WWF Switzerland. Learn more about volunteering at GreenUp!
If you want to know what our volunteers do in the different cities, see more here: