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GoSimple Talk – Veranstaltungen neu denken – Der zirkuläre Weg von GreenShare


Take part in an insightful online conversation with Nicole Keller, Managing Director of GreenUp. She introduces GreenShare, a circular economy-focused initiative that is changing the way materials are handled after the WEF-events in Davos. Learn how this model rescues, reuses and redistributes valuable items - avoiding waste and reducing CO2 emissions.  

GoSimple Workshop – Circular Economy & Mindful Living

Impact Hub Basel Münchensteinerstrasse 274a, Basel, Switzerland

Join our second GoSimple workshop focusing on waste reduction, circularity, and eco-friendly choices. Learn stress reduction techniques and the impact of being constantly online. Sign up here: Circualar Economy & Mindful Living | GoSimple ----------- This workshop is all about creating less waste and supporting circularity. Learn simple ways to reduce your trash and make […]

GoSimple Talk: Degrowth – a research topic and a movement


Join us for a GoSimple Talk with Leonard Creutzburg, co-leader of the One Planet Lab at WWF Switzerland, as he challenges the status quo with a controversial idea: degrowth. A concept that goes against everything we've been taught about success, wealth, and progress. Sign up here: GoSimple Talk: Degrowth - a research topic and a movement […]

GoSimple! Workshop – Local Consumption & Mobility

Impact Hub Basel Münchensteinerstrasse 274a, Basel, Switzerland

Come on a city safari and explore sustainability concepts and local businesses in Basel. Learn about alternative ways of transportation and making smart shopping choices.  Learn more and sign up here: Local Consumption & Mobility | GoSimple We will explore how to support local businesses and make smarter choices when shopping. Mobility is the second […]

GoSimple! Workshop changemaking: my city, my company.

Impact Hub Basel Münchensteinerstrasse 274a, Basel, Switzerland

Learn about changemaking techniques, do an exercise on what you want to stop, start and continue. Get inspired from experts and like minded people. With expert-inputs from Michael Hässler from Roche on the Ecologicals, and Till Berger, head of the Climate Office of Canton Basel City you'll look at ways to get involved in your […]