
Viste Navigazione

Evento Viste Navigazione


Healthy food – Healthy Planet? (online)


From Nose to Tail, Feed no Food and Veganism - our diet influences our health and that of the earth in many different ways. The health scientist David Fäh explains the sense and nonsense of current nutritional trends, provides exciting approaches to discussion and offers numerous examples of sustainable solutions with regard to our diet. […]

Caccia all’ortica

Faircustomer Schiffbaustrasse 9A, Zürich, Switzerland

We are planning a nettle-hunt and a wild-edible plant scavenger hunt in Kreis 5. Wild-edible plant lovers will tell us all about these edible delicacies we can find outside our doorstep. Startingpoint is at Faircustomer (Schiffbaustrasse 9a, 8005 Zürich) between 17.00 und 18:30. From there the induvidal scavengerhunt will take place all the way to […]

Mango MashUp

Markthalle Steinentorberg 20, Basel, Switzerland

Organizziamo un Mango MashUp con te! Il Tavola Svizzera ha salvato tonnellate di mango e le ha messe a disposizione dei volontari che combattono lo spreco alimentare, che le hanno appena congelate. Insieme stiamo organizzando un workshop nella Markthalle in cui trasformeremo i manghi e gusteremo bevande deliziose al mango! Vuoi imparare a conservare il […]

Clothing Loop Launch

On the lakeside at the music pavilion Pavillon am Nationalquai, Lucerne, Switzerland

Two bags of women's dresses will travel around the festival grounds. Bring 1 cool piece of clothing you don't need anymore and exchange it with one from a bag! With this action, the association GreenUp introduces their project Clothing Loop Switzerland. The goal: to set up clothing loops all over the country in which people […]

Circular Business Models


What makes a company different that is committed to the principles of the circular economy? Consultant and practitioner Eva Bucherer shows what needs to be considered in a circular economy business model and shares exciting insights into transformation processes of sustainable enterprises. Eva BuchererEva Bucherer has set herself the goal of inspiring people and companies […]

Mobility for a livable world


What does mobility look like that puts people at the center and makes life more worth living? What about e-mobility? Do e-scooters perhaps unfairly have a bad reputation? What mobility offers connect the border triangle? And where is there still room for improvement in terms of people-friendly and environmentally friendly mobility in Switzerland? We would […]

CircularUp Workshop

Circular Lugano via San Gottardo 77, Massagno, Switzerland

Desideriamo incoraggiare e ispirare i partecipanti sui vantaggi dell'economia circolare/di condivisione e della produzione fai-da-te di prodotti per l'igiene e la pulizia generale. Workshop Zero Rifiuti Ti sei mai chiesto come puoi produrre da solo un deodorante, un prodotto per la pulizia della casa o un dentifricio? Bastano pochi ingredienti per produrre questi prodotti ecologici […]

Pub Quiz Night

Kennedy's Pub Freischützgasse 14, Zürich, Switzerland

Would you like to spend a fun evening with the Local Zurich Group Team of volunteers? We will be attending a Pub Quiz night at Kennedys Pub in the hearth of Zurich, answer some general knowledge and some sustainability questions, and get to know each other better over a beer or two. We will divide […]

Closing Conference of GoSimple Pilot

Impact Hub Basel Münchensteinerstrasse 274a, Basel, Switzerland

During a six-month challenge from March till October 2022, 18 households are taking up the challenge to make their everyday life more economical, simpler and more sustainable. This ambitious project is accompanied by workshops and online expert talks on a variety of key topics. Above all, the exchange among each other is actively promoted in […]

Einfach Mehr PopUp Store

Hotel Panorama Promenade 80, Davos Platz, Switzerland

The Panorama Hotel in Davos is reorienting itself and we are looking for a new home for all of their items! Come by our PopUp Store, pick something out* that makes you happy or give it as a gift to your family or friends. Donate towards other sustainability projects in Davos. We have furniture, such […]

Green Apéro @Kirchner Museum

Kirchner Museum Promenade 82, Davos, Switzerland

Be inspired at the Green Apéro all around the future of living. Experience with VR glasses a tour of a tiny house. Build your own dream house with Lego and exchange ideas in the exhibition "Gigon / Guyer. Kirchner Museum revisited" about new ways of living with other participants. This exhibition, exceptionally centered around architecture, […]

WEF Davos GreenShare – For event organisers

Davos' Materials and Waste Collection Point Clavadelerstrasse 4, Davos Platz, Switzerland

Empowering sustainability during the Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos. Keeping resources in a loop through local re-use.We invite all event organisers and companies present in Davos during the WEF Annual Meeting to help save resources. Check out our website Pay us a small amount to process it, and take out anything […]