
Viste Navigazione

Evento Viste Navigazione


Locarno Sostenibile Evento di Networking


Come le nervature di una foglia, siamo tutti collegati e possiamo fare molto di più quando lavoriamo insieme! Cominciamo bene il 2022, incontriamoci online per uno scambio interattivo con diversi gruppi e persone che lavorano sulla sostenibilità, per sfruttare le sinergie e creare progetti concreti.  Moderazione: Moderazione da parte di Fabienne Lanini. Lavorando per Silviva […]

Nachhaltiges Solothurn – Networking Event


Like the nerves of a leaf, we are all connected and can accomplish so much more when we work together! Let’s start 2022 right, let’s meet online for an interactive exchange with different groups and people working on sustainability, to take advantage of synergies and create concrete projects. 


With Vision Ahead!

Künzli, Davos Dischmastrasse 65, Davos Dorf, Switzerland

Power Hour Event for organisations and companies in Davos-Klosters @Künzli Holz DavosHow do entrepreneurs in our region prepare themselves for the future? And what are the benefits?  Resource scarcity, energy transition, population growth and climate change ... these are real challenges for companies, but they can also offer opportunities. Thomas Künzli shows how the Künzli […]

Plant Talk with GreenUp (EN)


Join GreenUp’s Jeanine and Nicole for a talk about plants, sustainability and biodiversity. How can you bring ecosystem awareness into your home with houseplants? What is there to consider when creating your own urban jungle? GreenUp's Plant Talk is part of the Sustainability Week of the University of Basel. More information can be found on […]

Plant & Seed Swap Basel

University of Basel Petersplatz 1, Basel, BS, Switzerland

Spring 2022 is fast approaching and it’s time to get out and bring more green into our lives. A very easy and cheap way is by swapping your plants, seedlings and the stories that go with them in your city. GreenUp is honored to partner with the Sustainability Week of the University of Basel, where […]


La Chaux-de-Fonds durable – Networking event


Like the nerves of a leaf, we are all connected and can accomplish so much more when we work together! Let’s start 2022 right, let’s meet online for an interactive exchange with different groups and people working on sustainability, to take advantage of synergies and create concrete projects.

Less is less – Living climate friendly (online)


How can one succeed in making one's lifestyle more climate-friendly step by step and with an increase in quality of life? Author Mathias Plüss gives encouragement and tips for an uncomplicated and effective approach to such a project. Mathias Plüss Mathias Plüss is a freelance journalist who works primarily for DAS MAGAZIN. In 2020 he […]

Swap your greens!

Kulturpark Pfingstweidstrasse 16, Zürich, ZH, Switzerland

Whether you have a green thumb or are plant killer: exchange your plants and seedlings, but also (native) seeds with GreenUp! Join us at Kulturpark in Zurich West on Saturday 30th of April for a fun plant-swap afternoon, we have 4 interactive stations designed for you: Tips & Tricks and knowledge about Urban Gardening & […]


Living without waste (online)


So what exactly is behind the ZeroWaste concept? After an overview of the situation in Switzerland with regard to waste, resources and wastage, Flavia Müller from ZeroWaste Basel gives practical and concrete advice on how to reduce the ecological footprint. Flavia MüllerAs a photographer and editor, Flavia Müller works closely with NGOs and non-profit companies. […]

Scambio delle Piante

Il Gemmo via dei Bonoli 13, Breganzona

Come cominciare e coltivare il tuo vero e proprio orticello urbano. Quali sono le risorse che puoi usare e in che modo. La storia dietro la pianta che vuoi scambiare e la possibilità di ascoltare tutti i consigli degli esperti che vengono a presentare un discorso. Questo è il nostro scambio di piante e semi! […]

Troc de Plantes

La Matriochka Café Rlle du Guêt 2, Sion, Switzerland

Vuoi saperne di più sulla tua pianta preferita? Unisciti a noi in questo Café alternativo per scambiare, prendere e incontrare persone che la pensano come te. Lo scambio di piante è un modo ecologico, facile ed economico per portare più verde in casa tua. Abbiamo 4 stazioni interattive predisposte per voi:1. Benvenuto e introduzione all'evento. […]

Conference zéro déchet – avec Jérémie Pichon

Haute Ecole d’Ingénierie Valais Aula Campus Enerypolis, Rue de l'Industrie 23, Sion, Switzerland

Durante 20 anni trascorsi al servizio di ONG socio-culturali, ambientali e umanitarie, Jérémie Pichon ha fatto la triste constatazione di un sistema basato sul sovraconsumo, devastante per l'uomo e il suo ambiente. Nel 2014, hanno deciso di intraprendere come famiglia una sfida Rifiuti Zero. In tre anni, sono passati da 390 KG di rifiuti a […]